2012. május 18., péntek


I don’t get drunk, I get AWESOME


Hey, MANO is it you?
This isn’t MANO… but I heard that guy is AWESOME….


How does not talking to me feels?
Because talking to me feels AWESOME….

AWESOMED the place

I just AWESOMED all over the place….


It’s hard to be friends with me cause I’m so AWESOME…..

I'm just like u...

I’m just like you… except that I’m way AWESOMER….


Sometimes being AWESOME,
Is just being what it says,

2012. május 17., csütörtök

I don’t get drunk, I get AWESOME…..

 I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of how AWESOME I am

I tried to be okey but I just find myself on being AWESOME…

To succeed you have to stop being ordinary and start being AWESOME….

When i'm sad,
I just stop being sad and start being AWESOME instead!

                    TRUE STORY!!!


Hello world

Hello everybody,
This is my first blog and I have no clue what to write about  so I’m just gonna tell why i made my blog!
The last few days I have watched lots and lots of How I met your mother.
You can watch How I met your mother online for free with no dowloading here: http://www.1channel.ch/watch-6147-How-I-Met-Your-Mother
So Barney in that series talks about that blog sometimes that he has, so I thought about making a blog.
Now I just had a little time so I made one!
Stay AWESOME everyone…….
